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Siemens Prisma 3T MRI System

ToNI is home to a Siemens Prisma 3T MRI scanner installed in October of 2017. The Prisma was designed by Siemens with the research community in mind.

ToNI MRI Scanner

With its gradient strength of 80 mT/m and slew rate of 200 T/m/s, it is the fastest whole-body 3T scanner commercially available, making it ideal for EPI imaging (both BOLD- and diffusion-weighted imaging). The actively shielded magnet has zero helium boil-off technology, reducing maintenance costs and downtime. The RF system has up to 128 channels in the magnet housing for increased SNR. The 20- and 32-channel head and 64-channel head/neck coils with integrated pre-amplifiers allows parallel acquisition techniques and image acceleration, reducing susceptibility distortion and image blurring in EPI while maintaining an excellent SNR. Our state-of-the-art scanner enables access to the most recently developed imaging technologies, including Simultaneous Multi-Slice acquisition for faster acquisition (shorter TR and/or increased resolution). In addition, we offer the Siemens Spectroscopy Package, which bundles Single Voxel Spectroscopy, 2D Chemical Shift Imaging, 3D Chemical Shift Imaging, and syngo Spectroscopy Evaluation. We also have access to work-in-progress packages, including multi-echo acquisition for better signal in brain regions prone to susceptibility artifacts, including frontal and temporal regions.

Head coils
